Thursday 5 September 2013

Al fin solo (Finally Alone)

Are you single or married? Do you have a fiancé? It doesn't matter your status because everyone has "love" problems, either if you are not looking for the real love or you are arguing everyday with your half-orange. But now, there is a man who wants to help us. 

Two hours of learning and a lot of laughing, thanks to Goyo Jiménez and his show "Al fin solo". The comedian, using the same style as "Cavernícola's" play, tries to explain why the heterosexual Human Being fails when trying to have a relationship. Men don't understand women and vice versa but, now, everybody who enjoyed last Thursday with Goyo's show can survive easily in this complicated world.

"Al fin solo" is an intelligent monologue in which you can know the truth about men and women. The two genders don't understand, or live, the "love" in the same way and Goyo exposed really good examples. He talked about the life as a couple, disputes, infidelities or flirting techniques. Goyo, as well, imitated the suffering of a fifteen year old girl who is suffering for love. One of the most hilarious moments in the night!

In the show we enjoyed with smart comparisons between relationships and computers terminology. According to Goyo, men are like PCs (their design is not really pretty and they have to restart their software very often) and women are like Mac (beautiful, efficient and intelligent). PCs heat easily, but for getting a Mac warm you will need to work a bit more.

And, obviously, Goyo updated his monologue with the hottest news. Urdangarin, Rajoy, Banks and Madrid's candidacy for the Olympic Games could not be missed. So, are you going to book your tickets? Remember, it's a really economic way to have fun and learn at the same time.

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